Thursday, March 12, 2009


This blog- Adventures of Zenmomma Plus 4, part 2- is taking over as the public part of my old blog- Adventures of Zenmomma Plus 4 which has gone private for a variety of reasons. This blog will allow followers of the old blog to continue to keep up with our family in a general sort of way. Most posts will focus on how the kids - Kim, Corey, Alia and Eli, all adopted from China over the past 10 years- are doing and what they are up to.

To begin I want to share one of my last posts from the old blog: These concoctions are my son Eli's creations. He's 6 years old, the size of a 3 year old and a special needs (heart) adoption from China. When I brought him home he was assessed as mildly mentally retarded. But recent re-evaluations have shown that isn't the case at all. What we don't know is just how smart he is! Note the symmetry in these free choice projects:

He loves to build!

1 comment:

  1. Oh you must be sooo pleased at how well he is progressing!
