Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Champs!

Corey's team, the Nuggets, handily won the division championship, ending the season with 13 wins, 0 losses!  We had a great coach and some fantastic players (including three that hadn't played before).
Now we are taking a basketball break for about 6 weeks - then the summer league starts!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Corey's team- the Nuggets -  are undefeated going in to the last game of the playoff!  Woo-hoo!  She's had a real good coach, he's taught her a lot, and at the end of the season is still enthusiastic about playing.

Kim had the reverse experience - poor coaching, inexperienced team.  They were eliminated in the first round of playoffs and she's taking a basketball break and concentrating on the school play for the next month. Summer league basketball begins in May.