Friday, September 25, 2009


Eli is back in kindergarten this year. We switched from the Open Classroom to the traditional public school (on the same campus) for both Eli and Alia as it seemed both would benefit from a little more structure in their classroom. In addition to class, Eli has speech therapy and, recently, a one-hour post school intervention class to work on letter recognition. On Thursday his teacher phoned me, and after assuring me (in response to my query) that nothing was wrong, she told me that she was calling to brag about how well Eli was doing! In a week he had gone from being able to recognize and write 3 letters (yep, that would be E, L and I) to knowing 19- lower and uppercase!

I wonder if he would have done as well if he'd been in the traditional program last year or if he just needed that extra year to socialize and grow a bit more. Everyone who knows him now is convinced that he is a smart kid!